Meet Kamren from KS Films

Kamren Sexton is the filmmaker behind KS Films, an exclusive footage collection on Dissolve. He uses inspiration from his daily life and his various expeditions to create incredible and meaningful footage. We asked Kamren a few questions to learn more about his filmmaking background and to find out what motivates him to keep creating.

What got you started in filmmaking?

I grew up very shy and wanted to say so much, so when I would go and watch well made movies I would ball my eyes out because I felt so seen. At an early age I knew I had to get into filmmaking in some way or form because of this.

What has been your favourite project to work on and why?

Last year, I got to shoot and collaborate with an Emmy Award-Winning director in Asia. We made a film showing a young girl’s story of being rescued from the horrors of human trafficking and her new and beautiful life now! That story forever changed me.

What is your favourite piece of gear you use?

I actually love my handheld stabilizer- glidecam. It allows me to get those smooth tracking shots in fast-paced situations, which is what I’m normally in when I travel.

How do you try to stay confident in your work as you watch others in the industry?

Honestly, I’ve struggled a lot with comparison and my battle with perfectionism a good bit. I don’t really spend too much time on social media anymore because I feel like that is a big trigger for me personally. At the end of the day I have to remember why I got into making films in the first place- it’s because I’m so passionate about using storytelling to be a voice for people around the world that don’t have a voice. 

I also have to keep remembering that there is only one me in this world and no one can create how I can. That keeps me pushing to stay more true to myself and what I bring to the table.

What’s kept you going when you’ve wanted to give up as a poetic filmmaker?

Recently, i’ve wanted to give up in some form almost everyday now. But I have to realize that what I carry, the world really needs, so it’s actually the opposite of being selfish because my self wants to hold back and stop trying. I also vividly remember the faces I encountered in some of the darkest places of the world. I will never forget those people who were longing to be seen and rescued from the conditions they were living in. Their faces keep me going in my pursuit to making films that really matter.

You speak of travelling to places like the Amazon, how does travelling and working with different cultural communities help you as a filmmaker?

I feel like everyone needs to travel even if you don’t have a purpose for it. There is just something that happens to me every time I step on the plane. It’s like a whole new world is opened up to me and my head is clear to dream bigger than before!

What is your go-to tip for filmmakers interested in getting into stock or are new to stock?

When I got into stock I actually didn’t think anything would sell. When I got my first sale I realized that this could really help me bring in an income to produce shoots I was passionate about without having a client breathing over my shoulder in the process. It really has thrown me into this new world of having to come up with ideas on what we could film and do it like we are working for the world’s biggest brands- keeping in mind what they would want to see!

What is up next for you that you’re excited about?

What excites me most right now is that I am finally pushing past fear and pursuing this idea of a crowdfunding film organization. With this organization, it will open up more doors to make films that are deeply connected to getting mass funding for some of the biggest injustices around the world. In a simple form- it’s bringing hope into the darkest places. I’m also excited to really push myself with creating more poetic stock scenes because I love how it teaches me how to operate as a cinematographer and director. And you can’t make films by yourself. Filmmaking is all collaborative work in some form and I love getting to meet new people and go into places I would have never gone if I didn’t have my camera and a vision.

The KS Films Collection

Kamren is a very inspired filmmaker who is big on storytelling and the result of this is the creation of authentic imagery. The KS Films collection is a testament to this as it features an array of genuine moments. Whether it’s shooting purely for stock or creating an entire film, Kamren’s goal is always to produce footage that can tell a story. Watch how we made one of his stories come alive in this reel. If you want to see more, explore the full KS Films collection which is available exclusively on Dissolve.

Posted by Dissolve

Dissolve Premium ( has been the go-to for quality stock footage and photos by the world's top creative agencies and production houses. Some of the best filmmakers and stock producers from around the world are with Dissolve — our rapidly growing collection of unique, compelling footage is a testament to that. In addition to our quality stock footage and photography business, we launched Dissolve Creators ( A platform for photographers, filmmakers, producers, and designers to connect and share their work as free downloadable content. We offer these creatives (amateur or pro) a bridge to our clientele, gig opportunities, networking opportunities, as well as our knowledge of the stock industry.

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