How to Write a Photo Description to Reach a Bigger Audience Online

A lot of attention nowadays is dedicated to quality content, which leaves the importance of image descriptions behind. However, photo descriptions, also known as photo captions are very important to grow social media following and rank higher on search engines. The latter is often referred to as a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. When the description of pictures is done strategically, it can extend the online audience reach immensely.

What is a good photo description?

There is no exact set of standards that strictly defines whether a photo description is good or bad. The main indicator of a decent description of an image is that it contributes to audience growth, and improves brands positioning in the market. In fact, the power of photo description can be more significant than the power of the image itself. 

Even though there are many factors that can influence the quality of the description of pictures on the web, such as the target audience, and medium of the photo, here’s some advice that will help to create an amazing photo description for all scenarios.

Consider the type of the online platform

When preparing content for various social media platforms, you should always consider the established standards for each corresponding platform, such as post formats and a number of available characters. While Instagram concentrates on the visual elements, you should prepare photo descriptions that are short and concise. Meanwhile, when you post on Facebook, it is recommended to extend the image description. In blog articles, which are more text-heavy than Instagram captions, you can provide more details when describing a photo.

Make accurate descriptions of pictures

The concordance of the visual and text components within a post or article is a concept that must be adhered to. When the description accurately resembles whatever is depicted in the photo, it strengthens the credibility of whatever the users are reading. Otherwise, in case the picture and its description do not correlate, you lose the attention of your readers and audience. 

Keep the brand voice consistent

Creating an image description for your brand is similar to writing an article for your brand. you should follow the principles of your brand’s voice and values throughout all the posts and articles, whether it be on social media or off of it. That way, users that are familiar with your brand will be addressed in the way they are used to, which creates a stronger bond with your existing and potential consumers.

Use storytelling

The amount of information circulating in society is so high these days thanks to online environments that audiences can’t possibly focus on every piece of content they come across. That is why the photo description should be concise, yet clever and catchy at the same time. The description should tell a story - even if it is just in a few words. When you start your description with storytelling, using a hint of intrigue or mystery, users will most likely continue on with engaging in your content.

The devil is in the details

When you post an image on social media platforms or add a photo to your blog article, you should always provide a precise and detailed description. That will complement the image caption and keep users informed on whatever it is you are trying to communicate. The image and the caption should work together in order to get your ideas across. 

What are the recent trends in image descriptions?

Before coming to the characteristic features of popular and effective image descriptions, let’s have a look at what the photos should be like. After the years of the growing tendency to complicate everything, modern trends are often associated with contrasting approaches. Instead of pictures with multiple elements, designers prefer simplicity and minimalism. That way, users can grasp the main idea depicted in the photo faster, and not get distracted by additional details.

A similar tendency has been prevailing in the best image descriptions as of lately. Instead of writing long pieces of content under the image, short and concise captions are preferred.

How to grow social media following on Instagram and Facebook in 2021?

Creating catchy photo descriptions would positively influence the perception of your posts on social media platforms among your audience. You should also consider several other factors to grow social media following on Instagram and Facebook.

The frequency of post publishing is crucial for the success of your social marketing strategy. Schedule your content for publication on a regular basis to keep in touch with the audience. However, do not make too many posts as this tends to look spammy and overwhelming.

Why are image descriptions important for Google?

While the importance of effective photo description is evident when it comes to social media platforms, its value should not be underestimated in articles for Google. When you create content for articles that make a part of blog marketing, provide catchy image descriptions as well. The same goes for guest posting services when writing articles for them.

Any article created for marketing purposes implies that it should be engaging for readers. Thus, complementing the text with photos or images is an approach most marketers use. Those pictures should organically fit the article followed by the paragraph in the text describing them.

Apart from the image descriptions within the text itself, consider the alt text as the metadata item analyzed by Google and other search engines. When you provide concise and descriptive alt text for the image, users could find that image by typing the corresponding keyword.

Author Bio

Nancy P. Howard has been working as a digital marketer at retouching studio for a year. She is also a professional writer in such topics as blogging, SEO, and marketing.

Posted by Dissolve Creators

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