Jon Parker

Recent Posts

Skin tone cheat sheet

“As long as skin tone looks good, your viewers will believe everything..

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January 02, 2014

Getting into color grading

If you’re moving into video work from the “static” photography or..

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December 20, 2013

See what you’re getting with HD comps

We’re in the process of adding HD comps for all our HD clips. They’re..

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December 03, 2013

Three things footage from Dissolve can do

1. Give you new perspectives …

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November 12, 2013

​How to license music, win friends, and influence people

You’re not a teenage fan making tribute videos or memejacking The Harlem..

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October 22, 2013

An introduction to pacing and rhythm

By Sue Apfelbaum

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September 26, 2013

For Our Tomorrow: Scenes from a flood

When a devastating flood hit Calgary, Alberta, in June 2013, contributor..

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September 08, 2013

Stock Stories: Joshua von Brown

Stock Stories is a regular series of Q+As with directors and editors..

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September 03, 2013

How to plan your movie using storyboarding

The path to better stories begins with a clear map of the journey.

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August 21, 2013

Urban timelapse clips by Olaf Blomerus

In collaboration with cinematographer Jesse Blight, Calgary-based..

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July 25, 2013
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