At Dissolve, our vision is to transform stock footage from so-so to spectacular.

Empowering today's visual storytellers with exceptional stock footage and photography from the world's most exciting and relevant creators.

We license stock video and images for use in commercials, television shows, documentaries, feature films, design, and creative work.Dissolve's video and image collections are hand-picked for technical quality, aesthetic style, and cultural relevance.

Start your stock search


Headquartered in Calgary, Canada, and founded by stock industry veterans. 



A team of dedicated, and passionate cinephiles, filmmakers, photographers, designers, and all around creatives.

By providing airtight model releases and research help, creating showreels, and giving away goodies, we’re working every day to empower and inspire our fellow storytellers.


Browse our showreels       View latest galleries     




You need stock, we have that, but we want to make your creative workflow easier and more enjoyable.

We give account options. Dissolve Team and Dissolve Priority give you more buying solutions. Invite your entire team to the same account, keep track of orders, and have control over your account.

We build the technology. Dissolve folders have the tools to organize your clips and photos, create quotes, share easily, and even upload your own files.

We’re here to help. Contact us for free clip research, help with your purchase, quotes, feedback or inquiries — anything at all.




We celebrate photographers and filmmakers at Dissolve.

Whether you’re a seasoned stock producer, or new to the industry, we want to hear from you. Apply to be a contributor.

Browse our inspirational exclusive footage collections.

Browse our footage collections    

  Browse our photo collection




We all want to be part of a community of filmmakers and photographers that come together to create, inspire, and empower with each other.

We’ve built the place to do just that. Upload, follow, and explore other creative profiles on Dissolve Creators. Our community is growing and we couldn’t be more excited. Join the community, create your profile.

Be part of our social community too! Follow us on Instagram.

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